Links text, word by word. The link target defaults to Wiktionary.
If you don't want to link to Wiktionary entries, set pref equal to some other value, such as your favorite interlanguage prefix or "c" for Commons.
Use the arguments n1, n2, n3, etc. to specify items that should not be linked. Regular spaces will be removed from the beginning and end of these; if you must have spaces, use instead.
If you want to have a delimiter, such as ", ", appear between links, specify the delimiter with lim.
If desired, you can specify the language code with lang.
{{Linktext|This| is| a| test}}
{{Linktext|This| is|n2= not| a| test}}
Tingnan din
[baguhin ang wikitext]Kahalintulad na mga suleras
[baguhin ang wikitext]- para sa mga kategorya
- para sa mga kawing na nasa linya
- para sa isang pagkawing na paisa-isang salita